addiction recovery

Addiction recovery

Addiction is challenging, it may even seem impossible to control. Do you ever feel driven to do certain things, even if you know it will hurt you and desperately want to stop? These behaviors may be a response to trauma or abuse. They become a problem when they cause you to do physically harmful and dangerous things or keep you from doing the things you want to do and being the kind of person you want to be.


What do you need to be successful in your recovery?

Support: Tell someone you trust that you’ve decided to break your addiction. Arrange to contact them whenever you feel tempted and create a plan to help you avoid relapse.

Replacing the unwanted behavior with self-care. Have some go-to self-care ideas that you can quickly implement when you need them.

Diversionary activities that you enjoy doing. Divert your attention away from the addiction.

Small incremental steps: smaller goals that will take you toward your bigger goal.

Support groups: They help by giving the opportunity to talk openly with others who have similar struggles. Get ideas of things that have helped other people.


Things to remember:

I deserve to have my life the way I want to be.

I can do the work I need to control my addiction.

I am in charge of when and how I will work on my recovery.

Some things that might be helpful for self-care

  • Art supplies
  • Camera
  • Fragrance
  • Books
  • Journal
  • Musical instruments

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Katrina Belmont

Fran Paradine

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